Our organisation had arranged for a formal selection process to take place with a number of students, but due to staff illness we will not be able to complete this process before the deadline for making immediate offers. What should we do?

There are a number of options:

You could arrange phone calls/online interviews with students before the deadline so that you can make your decision and make an offer/offers to students.

If this is Phase 1, you can wait until Phase 2 to engage with students. Please note: many students will be matched in Phase 1 so there will be less students available in Phase 2. Additionally, APPEL cannot guarantee that the same students who sent their CVs to you in Phase 1 will be available in Phase 2.

If this is Phase 2, you can contact APPEL to let them know that you would be interested in meeting any students who are not matched at the end of the process.

Will my placement be treated differently if it is unpaid?

Training Establishments are neither expected nor obliged to reimburse students for their time on placement; therefore all placements are treated equally within the APPEL matching system.

However, payment may be one of the factors considered by students when selecting placements.  Placement Providers can indicate if they intend to reimburse students in their placement description.

Are placements paid?

Placements can be paid or unpaid. The decision to offer payment is a matter for each placement provider. Placement providers can provide an indication of reimbursement in the placement description that will be available to students when selecting their placement options.

What devices and browsers can I use to access the matching system?

The APPEL matching system is best accessed using laptop or PC. It is compatible with most mobile phones or tablet devices, although the dashboard will look different to the pictures in this guide. As with all new systems, there may be compatibility issues with certain browser types and browser versions. We recommend you use the browser types listed below to avoid issues that can occur with incompatible browser types such as issues ticking boxes, saving text in boxes, uploading files as well as slow performance.


Recommended Browsers:

PC Browsers in order of preference:

Chrome version 30 onwards

Firefox version 30 onwards

Mobile browsers:

iOS version 8 onwards

Android version 5 onwards

Can a student undertake a placement in a Training Establishment or under the supervision of a Trainer, if they are a connected relative?

As per SI No. 377/2014, students cannot undertake a placement in a Training Establishment or under the supervision of a Trainer “if he or she has a connection with either the training establishment or the tutor pharmacist concerned”.

A connected relative includes spouse or partner, parent, brother, sister, child, spouse of a child, grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother-in-law, sister-in-law and parent-in-law.

Who is responsible for assessing 4th-Year students?

Preceptors are responsible for overseeing students’ competence appraisals. They are required to complete two student Competency Assessments during the placement.

Students must achieve a level 3 in all competency behaviours in the final assessment. If you have any concern about a student reaching the required level of competency, please get in touch with a Practice Educator as early as possible, to enable them to support you and the student.

The Schools of Pharmacy are responsible for academic assessment.