
The 5-year Integrated Pharmacy Programme

Students commencing their studies after 2015 undertake an integrated programme, experiencing patient-facing situations and real-life pharmacy practice at several stages before attaining their qualification.

For more information on experiential learning please click here.

When are the experiential learning placements?

Year 2: A two-week block placement in UCC and Trinity, or a twelve-week longitudinal placement of one afternoon per week for twelve weeks in RCSI. These placements take place in Community or Hospital Pharmacy settings during Semester 2.

Year 4: A four-month placement running from September to December.  It can be undertaken in settings such as Community Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy, Industry, and Role Emerging Practice (REP) Placement settings.

Year 5: An eight-month placement running from January to August. This placement takes place in Community or Hospital Pharmacy settings.

How are students matched to placements?

Year 2: Students are assigned to a placement in a suitable location. Students confirm their preferred location(s) with APPEL. Placement providers register to offer a placement. APPEL then contact placement providers to confirm if they have been assigned a student. Placements are confirmed in November each year.

Years 4 & 5: Students and placement providers engage in a matching process. Placement providers register to offer a placement and provide a placement description. Students set location and practice setting preferences.

The APPEL matching process provides students with a number of potential placements  based on their preferences and students choose where to send their CV based on the placement descriptions they read. Placement providers then have the chance to review multiple CVs and engage with students (interviews, phone calls, etc.).

After a protected period of time for engagement, placement providers can make an offer to their preferred student in the APPEL matching process.

Placements in different practice settings

For more information on placements in different practice settings, please view our brochures below:

Community Pharmacy Placements

Hospital Pharmacy Placements

Industry and Role Emerging Practice Placements