Katherine Morrow
Director and National Coordinator

Katherine Morrow joined APPEL as the Director and National Coordinator in 2023. She brings a wealth of experience to the role, having most recently worked as Operations Director for the Irish Institute of Pharmacy and subsequently as Head of Education & Professional Competence at the Irish College of General Practitioners. Katherine has significant experience in all areas of practice to include community, hospital and regulatory, and is passionate about maintaining quality standards in education and development.

Rachel Hamilton
APPEL Operations Manager

Rachel joined the APPEL team as Operations Coordinator in early 2018. Rachel joined us from a start-up healthcare company where she helped to establish their Customer Care Department, training processes, and communications. With previous experience in the financial and tourism industries, Rachel has extensive administration and coordination experience. She holds a BA in French and Music from Trinity College Dublin, a Higher Diploma in Psychology from Dublin Business School, and a Diploma in Project Management from IBAT.  She is currently studying for a Professional Diploma in Positive Health. In 2022, Rachel was promoted to Operations Manager for APPEL.

Balazs Balogh
APPEL Operations Coordinator

Balazs joined the APPEL team as Operations Coordinator in early 2023. He was previously managing localization projects for a leading social media platform, and also has 6 years of tech support experience from the tech industry as well as startup background from his native country of Hungary. He holds a BSc in IT engineering from Budapest University of Technology and Economics, is a certified business analyst, PRINCE2 project manager and technical translator.

James Horan
APPEL Operations Support Pharmacist and RCSI Practice Educator

James joined the APPEL team as Operations Support Pharmacist in August 2019. James joined us from community pharmacy where he has worked in a patient-facing role since graduating in 2010. James completed his B. Sc(Pharm) in Trinity College, Dublin and his M.Pharm in RCSI. In 2021, James took over as a part-time Practice Educators in RCSI while staying on as a part-time Operations Support Pharmacist on the APPEL Operations team.

Ruth McCarthy
Practice Educator, University College Cork (UCC)
Ruth is a Practice Educator at UCC and has over 20 years’ experience in academia, industry and community pharmacy in Ireland, the UK, New Zealand and Australia including stints at both the School of Pharmacy in University of Auckland and University College Cork. She has also worked in International Pharmaceutical Marketing and Distribution and in On-line Pharmacy. In her most recent role she worked as a Business Manager for 10 years in one of the largest community pharmacy multiples on the island of Ireland. She has an MSc in Business and Management, a Green Belt in Lean Six Sigma, a certificate in Training Delivery and Evaluation and a PG Cert in T&L in Higher Education. Ruth continues to work as a community pharmacist.
Anne Teresa Morgan
Practice Educator, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)
Anne Teresa is a Practice Educator at the RCSI and has 20 years’ experience in community pharmacy. Anne Teresa has worked in a number of roles within community pharmacy, most recently as RCSI Teacher practitioner with a large multiple, being responsible for training of pharmacy undergraduate student and pharmacy interns. She completed her degree in pharmacy at Queens University Belfast and holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy from De Montefort University.
Eimear Ni Sheachnasaigh
Practice Educator, University of Dublin, Trinity College (TCD)
Eimear is an Assistant Professor (Practice Educator) in the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Trinity College Dublin and also practices part-time as a pharmacist with the HSE Addiction Services. After completing an internship in hospital Eimear moved into community pharmacy and has worked in a number of roles within both independent pharmacies and large chain multiples. Eimear has undertaken an MSc (Community Pharmacy) with Trinity and is currently pursuing a post-graduate qualification in Global Health Policy with the University of London.
James Quinn
Practice Educator, University of Dublin, Trinity College (TCD)